Thursday, March 8, 2012

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dream Home!

I found this AMAZING home and would love to move in tomorrow. I would not change one thing. I could pack my bags and be there right away if someone would just tell me where to get a key and I guess 3 million dollars as well:). I love all of the different architectural components and designs they use through out the home. I love the different textures they use from the brick floors to dark wood beams on the ceiling. The furnishings are beautiful! I love how all the materials are soft and calming as to not take away from the interior structure of the home. It is simply to die for!

Built-in playhouse

My parents have been gutting their entire basement and my mom wants to put in a built-in playhouse in the basement under the stairs. She said I could design it so I have been looking for some ideas. Here is what I have found so far...I wish I had a house to build something like this for my kids. It is adorable but does not take up a lot of space because of the way the room is set up architecturally.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Organzational Help!

I have been wanting a cork board for hanging up notes but I have never loved the way they look. I saw a really cute idea online. They just found a large picture frame and glued some fabric over some cardboard and hung it up on the wall over their desk. It looks stylish and classy but it will also help get rid of all those extra papers I have floating around.

This makes me so happy...

My mom surprised me with this for Will's room. It makes me so happy every time I walk into his room. It is a great price for such a darling mobile. You can find it at Pottery Barn Kids. Thanks Mom!

It is about time!

After being married for almost 5 years the master bedroom is finally coming together. After Christmas, I was shopping at target and I found these bedside tables for 17.50 each! They were 75% off of their original price so I was thrilled. The next logical thing to do was to get lamps for the bedside tables. I found these lamps at Bed Bath & Beyond and I think they added the right touch. For Christmas we got new bedding from my parents and I LOVE it! Next thing to do is to make a headboard for my bed and refinish that dresser we have had sitting in the garage forever. After that, our room will look complete. I will send pictures once it is done.

Toys, Toys, and More Toys....

As I think about moving in a couple of months, I think about all of the stuff we will have to make room for in our small apartment. We really should not have a lot of stuff because most of the clutter is stored in our storage shed but as I look at all of the toys my daughter has accumulated over the years, I have no idea where we are going to put everything. I would love to have a separate toy room where I can shut the door when it is a mess. I think a toy room should consist of a reading nook, table and chairs for art projects, shelves with baskets for toys and an area for imagination such as a kitchen, dollhouse or puppet theater. I would love to incorporate elements from each of these rooms...